Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Tuesday's Twitter Tree

The Twitter Tree© will is hosted by a different shop each business day.

The Rules to participate:

You must tweet ALL the other posts here.
(It is not fair to those of us who tweet your items, when you don't reciprocate)
Only two (2) hashtags

Check back during the day to tweet any new posts.
Post only two (2) items.
No google+ stuff. This is the Twitter Tree©
Add your Twitter ID to your post (mine is @butterflysattic)

No "mature" items.
 My Items:
Handmade Relax Sleep #Lavender Sachet - Aromatherapy - Herbal - Earth Friendly on #ArtFire http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/4693645 #retwt @butterflysattic
Handmade Get Well #Eucalyptus Sachet - Aromatherapy - Herbal - Earth Friendly on #ArtFire http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/ButterflyInTheAttic/4693646 #retwt @butterflysattic
 (Please Note: that I will tweet until 5:30 am and then will tweet again when I return from work around 5:00 pm)


Christie Cottage said...

Good morning! I just sent the email link to everyone!

Thank you for hosting!

My items for the day

Black Sock Monkey Cell Phone Pouch Gadget @ChristieCottage http://etsy.me/wIz6JG via @Etsy #HandmadeBot #retwt

Sock Monkey Drawstring Purse Makeup Bag @ChristieCottage http://etsy.me/zFxX1p via @Etsy #MadeInAmerica #retwt


Unknown said...

Good morning everyone!

Vintage Black Satin Purse Designer Ande by GotMilkGlassAndMore http://etsy.me/JeBunD via @Etsy #wedding #retwt

Vintage Raggedy Ann Ceramic Doll by GotMilkGlassAndMore http://etsy.me/olNCK0 via @Etsy #retwt

Butterfly In The Attic said...

Tweeted everyone so far and will BBL got to run to work Late as usual

thanks everyone good luck with your sales

SuziesImaginarium said...

Yay, Colleen!

Good morning, tweeted thru Christie

Here are mine:

Are you a Dodger baseball fan? http://www.etsy.com/listing/98413909/los-angeles-dodgers-baby-blue-security #rewt #handmadebot

Does someone you love need an angel? http://www.etsy.com/listing/91812044/black-haired-small-angel-gift-get-well #retwt #handmadebot

SuziesImaginarium said...

Got everyone so far...bbl to tweet everyone after me

Jenni said...

Good Morning!! Hope you all have a beautiful day!

Here are mine for today:

Satin Flower Skinny Metal Headband by @hannahmia01 http://etsy.me/tpOCN8 via @Etsy #wedding #retwt

So Beautiful... Black Flower Skinny Elastic Headband by @hannahmia01 http://etsy.me/H3XSzI via @Etsy #wedding #retwt

Shadow Dog Designs said...

Good morning everyone! Here are my two for today:

Unique pink Peruvian opal "whale tail" and pearls #handmade necklace! http://bit.ly/JgLtUZ @ShadowDogDesign #retwt

Beautiful Earth-like blue boro bead & opalite #handmade necklace! http://bit.ly/HvlbjO @ShadowDogDesign #retwt

Will tweet some now and will finish and and schedule after walking the dogs. Off to tweet :)

Julie L. Cleveland said...

Good Morning
Here are mine for the day:
Beads Purple Blue Navy Flower Orange Polymer by polymerclaybeads http://etsy.me/IUmDPE via @Etsy #retwt #handmadebot

Waterslide Decal Hummingbird WSD0609B by polymerclaybeads http://etsy.me/Jk3Pc7 via @Etsy #retwt #handmadebot

Eluna Jewelry said...

Good morning all. Tweeted through Shadowdog.

Here are my items for today!

Large, Lite, and Comfortable Hoop Earrings by @ElunaJewelry http://etsy.me/pr2Flu via @Etsy #retwt #fashion

Blue Tiger Eye (Hawk Eye) Bracelet by @ElunaJewelry http://etsy.me/xH3fZn via @Etsy #retwt #shopetsy

Please stop by my blog and let me know which design you like. Really looking for input for my new booth design.


Christie Cottage said...

Here are Tom's I almost forgot to post them! LOL

WHALE Cutting Board by tomroche http://etsy.me/Jk8bA8 via @Etsy @piesafetommy #handmadeBot #retwt

3 PIG Cutting Board Set by tomroche http://etsy.me/Jk9PSr via @Etsy @Piesafetommy #retwt


Christie Cottage said...

I have tweeted thru TOm's

It took 10 minutes for the recapcha (Word verification) to load when I was trying to post his. ARGH!



Unknown said...

Wow what a gorgeous blog you have Butterfly! Tweeted all above me.Here are my listings:

Fossil Stone Wire Wrapped Pendant Sterling @DragonflyRidge http://www.artfire.com/ext/shop/product_view/dragonflyridge/3639538 #fathersdaygift #retwt

Copper Celtic Druid Tree of Life Cord Necklace @dragonflyridge http://etsy.me/xOpkqu via @Etsy #retwt #father

I have gift guides for men,women and a new eco recycled vintage guide.Looking for shops to participate.Free listings http://fireflyridge-dragonflyridge.blogspot.com/

Have a great day and Many Thanks to you awesome tweeters xo bbl

Shadow Dog Designs said...

Tweeted and scheduled everyone. Will check back later for any latecomers.

Unknown said...

Tweeted thru Dragonfly Ridge. It's raining so I'll be inside for the rest of the day. At least I got out for a short run early between raindrops!

SuziesImaginarium said...

tweeted or scheduled everyone one..bbl to pick up leftovers!

Butterfly In The Attic said...

Tweeted everyone. sorry it took me so long it was a very busy busy day at work.

Thank you to all who participated today.


Butterfly In The Attic said...

Thank you Dragonfly. I am very glad you were able to make it.