Friday, November 9, 2012

Friday Twitter Tree

The Twitter Tree© will is hosted by a different shop each business day.
The Rules to participate:
You must tweet ALL the other posts here.
(It is not fair to those of us who tweet your items, when you don't reciprocate)
Only two (2) hashtags

Check back during the day to tweet any new posts.
Post only two (2) items.
No google+ stuff. This is the Twitter Tree©
Add your Twitter ID to your post (mine is @butterflysattic)

No "mature" items.
My Items:

Antique Thanksgiving Greetings Postcard from 1911 #Ephemera -Postcardsintheattic @Etsy @butterflysattic #retwt


Antique Thanksgiving Greeting Postcard Rich Autumn Scene postcardsintheattic @Etsy @butterflysattic #retwt #etsybot2

Good luck everyone! I hope the Sales Fairy sprinkles her Magical Dust on all of us!


Christie Cottage said...

Good morning!

I just sent the email with the link out.

Beautiful OOAK Porcupine Quill Earrings @ChristieCottage via @Etsy #MadeinAmerica #retwt

Look on @eBay! Bear Cell Phone Pouch - Crocheted - Camera Case- Made in America #ReadyToShip @christiecottage #retwt

Happy sales!


Butterfly In The Attic said...

Running late so I have to catch up when I get back but I tweeted Jacki's and scheduled.

Julie l. Cleveland said...

Good morning - under a boatload of snow this morning

Here are mine:

Lampwork Bead Bracelet Lavender Glass with Swarovski Crystal Earrings bluemorningexpressions #retwt #handmadebot

Peppermint Christmas Candy Cane Heart Necklace Polymer Clay Pendant bluemorningexpressions #retwt #handmadebot

Promotional Opportunity - Countdown to Christmas continues! The blog post will go up early today and you will be able to add items starting today. Great opportunity to promote yourself and others. Check this link out later today.

Have a great sales filled weekend!
Julie and Blu

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Good morning! Happy Friday!

Here are my two:

These unique copper #ammonite & lampwork earrings are beautiful! @ShadwDogDesign #retwt #handmade

Cubes & rounds: this NOT your basic black onyx & sterling #necklace! @ShadowDogDesign #retwt

Hope the weekend is filled with sales!

Eluna Jewelry said...

Good morning all.

Got a big workload at my day job today, so I will tweet when I get a free moment.

My items

Amazing Silver Hoop Earrings by ElunaJewelry via @Etsy #retwt #fashion

Sweet Santa Penguins Earrings by ElunaJewelry via @Etsy #retwt #Christmas

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Tweeted and scheduled everyone. Wonder where the rest of the twitter tree-ers are?

beautiful swag store said...

okay got everyone tweeted, wanelo, scheduled for tweets, and google plus. I have added this to my blast out friday post

Here are my items for today:

holiday purple flower fascinator headband #retwt #teamsellit ~ be the one that shines

Light catching Black Flwer Silver Polka Dot Confenti Hair clip #retwt #teamsellit

Unknown said...

I'm running late too....

Great for baked beans! Vintage McCoy Brown Drip Glaze 2 Quart Cassserole by GotMilkGlassAndMore #retwt

Great gift. #Vintage Fenton Celeste Blue Stretch Glass Bowl by GotMilkGlassAndMore via @Etsy #retwt

ChocolateDogStudio said...

Sorry, I am running really late!

Tweeted all the way down to me...

Great boot cuffs! #retwt @chocodogstudio #fashion

Beautiful handmade blanket. @chocodogstudio #retwt #shopetsy

Unknown said...

Just sold the plate I lised a few hours ago on the Countdown to Christmas!!! YEA!!

Caught up here, too.

Christie Cottage said...

Done :-)


ShadowDogDesigns said...

Happy weekend!

Eluna Jewelry said...

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back.

Ended up at the hospital with my parents. My dad was having chest pains, thankfully it was not his heart or lungs, just a badly pulled set of muscles. But a big scare none the less.

That said, I have tweeted all.

Unknown said...

Tough Friday for many of us. Now, it's time to relax for the weekend..... See you all on Monday.

Butterfly In The Attic said...

Tweeted Everyone! Thanks and have a great night