Monday, November 12, 2012

Monday Meet and Greet the Members of the Pacific Postcards Team - Dog Day Afternoons

I have fallen in love with today's featured shop.  Irma, owner of Dog Day Afternoons, has been a member of the Pacific Postcard Team for about a year already.  I absolutely adore her choices of Antique Real Photograph Postcards and vintage Jewelry.  She says in her profile that she has collected them throughout Europe and they are stunning.  With the holiday season fast approaching my favorites are naturally going to be the beautiful tinted images of Christmas past:
From Irma's shop announcements:
"Vintage & antique postcards, photo's and pieces of jewelry that I've been collecting for a long time. Now selling parts of my collections here on Etsy.

-All the postcards and photo's are originals. I don't sell reproductions or digital images!

-Jewelry, buttons and other accessories and findings are at least 40 years old. Most of them are much older though.

-I will be listing items every day..."
~ DogDayAfternoons

From her profile page:

"Dear customers,
I've been collecting vintage and antique postcards, real photo's and pieces of jewelry for a long time. Now I'm selling parts of my collections here on Etsy.
I have bought these treasures in second hand shops, antique shops and at flee markets throughout Europe.
My hometown is in the Netherlands but I stay a lot of time in our family home in the North of France. I manage my 'boutique en ligne' DogDayAfternoons from both countries."

'Meet the Pacific Postcards Team Member ~ Irma ~ Dog Day Afternoons' by postcardsintheattic

LAYAWAY for Archangellica -...
RESERVED for Finicky - Anti...
Antique theatre photo postca...
Antique postcard, angel and ...
Antique French postcard, flo...
Antique theatre photo postca...
LAYAWAY for RR - Antique d...
LAYAWAY for RR - Antique win...
LAYAWAY for SavagegraceX - ...
LAYAWAY for Jeri B - Antique...
LAYAWAY for Jeri B - Antique...
Antique boy and dog photogra...
Antique Christmas photo mont...
Antique dog photo postcard, ...
Vintage dog photo postcard, ...
Antique Christmas postcard, ...

If you are interested on becoming a member of the Pacific Postcards Team please go to this link and click "Apply."

We have 2 different memberships: one is a general membership, for those who love postcards and collecting postcards and the other is designed for shops with at least 25% of their
items listed are postcards.

The only difference in the memberships is that the latter will be included in shop
interviews, BNRs and postcard related activities. We also plan on having activities for
the general memberships. Hope to see you there soon.


Chantal/AgnesOfBohemia said...

Wow, stunning items!

Christie Cottage said...

Beautiful cards! Thanks for sharing!
