As I sit freezing my tail off, I wonder if there are any two crazier people. My husband and I have made it through 4 days of the frozen tundra and have 4 to go. True we should remember how cold it actually can get in the Midwest but we were still a little surprised by the sub zero temps. With powdering snow falling right now it is starting to look like the pretty winters I remember. But as pretty as the frosted trees look I will take my palms.
Even though we are suffering through freezing feet and frozen nose, our hearts are warm with visits with family and friends. I wish it wouldn't have to be so far in between visits; it has been such a blessing to see them.
Of course since we are inside more than expected I have time to write this little blog and with out further delay here are the lovely upcycled/recycled items I found on Etsy this week. Enjoy:
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