Sunday, July 5, 2015

From 8 Glasses of Water to Kitties In Kimonos; Laughter Is The Best Medicine

From 8 Glasses of Water to Kitties In Kimonos; Laughter Is The Best Medicine

Good and blessed Sunday morning.  

 Proverbs 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones

8 Glasses of water
From FB Page: 106.1 KISS FM Seattle
Kitties in Kimonos
From FB page:  Sun Gazing
Kitties in Kimonos
From FB page:  Sun Gazing
Kitties in Kimonos
For more Kitties in Kimonos go to FB page Sun Gazing They have an entire Album
Moose vs. Squirrel
From FB page:  George Takei
Dog vs. Snail
From FB page:   
From FB Page: 104.7 The Fish

Losing my mind
From FB Page:    
if you love someone set them free
From FB Page:  New Idea Magazine


Agy said...

The first one about the wine vs water is funny!

Unknown said...

very funny!

Sum of their Stories said...

Kittens in Kimonos is a new one on me - what will the internet think of next!

Christine said...

I'm not one of those people who think cat videos etc are funny but there is something pretty darn funny about that cats in kimonos! And of course I love the minion one!