The Twitter Tree© will is hosted by a different shop each business day.
The Rules to participate:
You must tweet ALL the other posts here.
(It is not fair to those of us who tweet your items, when you don't reciprocate)
Only two (2) hashtags
Check back during the day to tweet any new posts.
Post only two (2) items.
No google+ stuff. This is the Twitter Tree©
Add your Twitter ID to your post (mine is @butterflysattic)
No "mature" items.
My Items:
Vintage Linen #Postcard Night Scene Royal Palm Ave Florida postcardsintheattic @Etsy #etsybot2 @butterflysattic #retwt
Vintage Linen #Postcard World Famous Tree House Giant #Redwood by postcardsintheattic via @Etsy @butterflysattic #retwt
I would like to invite anyone interested in postcards to join the Pacific Postcards Team on ETSY at
and click "apply."
and click "apply."
If you are interested in becoming a leader convo me.
Good morning!
My items:
#Skull Earrings Dangles with Beads Pierced Day of the Dead @ChristieCottage via @Etsy Expires soon #Retwt
Just Cute! DH Pincushion - Duck Head - Appliqued @ChristieCottage - #artfire #Retwt #handmadeBot
My blog post for today
Unique cutting boards 38 choices @piesafetommy #retwt
Sandy's #Quilts @piesafetommy #HandmadeBot #retwt
BBL after storm passes.
Good morning all...
Prices slashed on #vintage pottery and glass by GotMilkGlassAndMore #retwt
Free shipping on all jewelry purchased with any non-jewelry item over $5. Use coupon code JEWELRYPLUS. #retwt
Purple daisy cup sleeve for your coffee.. #retwt #shopetsy @chocolatedogstudio
Yarn into blankets, beautiful handmade crochet blanket... #retwt #handmadebot @chocolatedogstudio
Posts are scheduled into Buffer to post. I am trying something new. If it works they will tweet three times today after I post it once...
Got everyone so far. I am going to tweet periodcally throughout the day by hand. Twuffer and I are not friends, I am not sure why it gives me such issue but it takes too much time to wait for it to unfreeze or do I mean thawed ;) LOL
Happy Sales to All!
here are mine
Give your babies toes a treat! Cute Pink Baby Booties 0 to 3months by @beausbitsandbob via @Etsy #retwt #shopetsy
Pink Baby Bow Tie Scarf guaranteed to stay put! by @beausbitsandbob via @Etsy #retwt #shopetsy
When u have a moment, can u hop on this BNS? trying to win a free spot :)
will tweet the above
Hiya, all done - chocolate, I dont think ur links are working? I couldn't click on them on didn't go to etsy..not sure if anyone else can..or if its just me!
I tweeted it and let them know that you sent me :)
Now that it is mentioned, Chocolate I can't click on yours either.
New blog post is hard to get stuff to work on...
got the list through my shop tweeted and scheduled for rt's.
here are mine for hte day:
Summer time LULU headband #retwt #teamsellit @beautifulswagst
Satin Spirit Rose Clip #retwt #teamsellit @beautifulswagst
Good morning, everyone! Here are my two:
Stunning genuine American turquoise & copper #handmade necklace! @ShadowDogDesign #retwt
Unique rustic spiral shell glass earrings w/ hammered copper spiral! @ShadowDogDesign #handmade #retwt
Will tweet and schedule when I get back from our morning ramble through the neighborhood :)
Good Morning
Here are my two for the day:
Beads Tube Polymer Clay Stripe Handmade Teal by polymerclaybeads via @Etsy #retwt #handmadebot
Beads Black White Daisy Polymer Clay Handmade by polymerclaybeads via @Etsy #retwt #handmadebot
Have a great day all
Julie and Blu
Tweeted to Julie
All caught up through Julie.
I have tweeted thru Julie & Blu
On Twuffer... just hit F5 It just "thaws" the page and shows your tweet scheduled
BBL to see if there are more
Good Tuesday? morning to you all! Hope you had a wonderful weekend.
Here are mine for today and I will return shortly to tweet away
Rainbow and Lollipops...and #bunnies for #baby..a must have for the #baby shower #retwt #handmadebot
#Destination #wedding? This is a perfect wedding party gift! #rewt #handmadebot
AND here is my blogpost with a GIVEAWAY
Tweeted Suzie's.
Can you tweet this AF Collection too? I am in it.
Check out this Hand Picked Member Collection on
Thank you Jacki I will try that since it is so much easier than doing it by hand.
For ChocolateDog's link, just hit the space bar between the periods after the description and the "http" - works fine then
Tweeted all the tweets and extra bits too :) Happy Sales all!!! Really ought to sleep now!!! Will chk later on!!
I am so late... we have a super busy day today! :o)
I am slowly getting everyone tweeted
Here are mine for today:
Pink Hydrangea Flower Headband by @hannahmia01 via @Etsy #retwt
Tiny Felt Flower Bloom Headbands Gray Black White by @hannahmia01 via @Etsy #retwt
Tweeted and scheduled everyone. Will check back later.
Tweeted everyone again and anyone new. I still had problems with twuffer I used the F5 and it is giving me an error now, oh well that is what I get fore having a Dell, LOL. I have about 20 irons in the fire so I am not going to worry about it right now and just manual tweet. I have bigger internet fish to fry ;)
Tweeted thru Jenni's too
I have a Dell :-)
Sometimes twuffer just bugs out.
Good Morning you awesome tweeting gals.Here are my listings:
Mermaid & Stars Bookmark Handmade Gift for Book Lovers @dragonflyridge via @Etsy #handmadeBot #retwt
Tiger Eye Black Bone Celtic Tree of Life Necklace @DragonflyRidge #retwt #father
Many Thanks....tweeting
PS-See who my Talented Tuesday Feature is...
Tweeted thru Got Milk
Set up all on Dynamic Tweets to go out hourly thru midnight East Coast USA time. BBL after dentist appt. UGH!
Part of the problem is that I have a self Dx case of ADHD and will have way too many pages open. I love to bounce; I have 7 open right now and that doesn't even count the tabs. But in all fairness who would want to reopen every five seconds?
I should have one of those IT set ups like at work where they have multiple screens and multiple computers. It is too cool! Just what someone with no attention span needs (oh WAIT... I mean just like what a multitasker needs ;) LOL)
Tweeted everyone. Thank you Christie for sending the link. I "took off" last week for end of the year school activities and didn't realize it change for Tuesday. Here are mine
Turtle Toy Plush Family Heirloom by ToyBoxflameOfsilver via @Etsy @flameofsilver #retwt #heirlooms
Ladybug Plush Toy Heirloom by ToyBoxflameOfsilver via @Etsy @flameofsilver #retwt #familyheirloom
All tweeted xo bbl
list all caught up- tweeted and scheduled for tweets
tweeted thru shadow dog
tweeted everyone again and all new people :)
Got Flamesofsilver
Tweeted all and I fixed chocolates tweet too :D thanks for that shadow!! :)
I came back but it looks like no new posts since I was here last. See you tomorrow!
Thanks everyone I will see you tomorrow
All caught up!
Tweeted everyone tonight.
Had computer issues earlier :(
Tells us if it works! I am tired of copy and paste twice for each post for hootsuite. I don't sell enough to justify paying for hootsuite. :/
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