Saturday, October 18, 2014

Free to Promote Your Shop, Social Sites, or Blog; on Networking Saturday 30

At the end of this informational post you will find a button where you will be able to link all of your social networking, shops, and blogs.  Please scroll all the way down for this great opportunity.  It looks like this:

Today I am just going to have a little fun with a online friend shout out.  Do you have some online friends that are always helping others (including you of course) promote or you know they would give you the shirt off their back if you met them in real life?  I do so lets give our friends a little love back and post 1 or 2 of them along with your sites below.

When you are done posting all your link ups, shout out who you posted and why in the comments.

Have a happy Networking Saturday!

Post any of your family friendly sites (blogs, shops, FB, etc.)  What ever sites you would like to share. 

Please help promote this post using your social networks.  Here is an easy one:


1 comment:

Butterfly In The Attic said...

My networking friends are Jacki, from ChristieCottage and Julie from TheBluPrint. They have been a great support, a wealth of ideas, and people I can always count on.

Thanks Networking Buddies