Saturday, February 28, 2015

Free to Promote Your Shop, Social Sites, or Blog; on Networking Saturday (all week long) 48

At the end of this post you will find a button where you will be able to link all of your social networking, shops, and blogs.  Please scroll all the way down for this great opportunity.  It looks like this
InLinkz Networking Button

After reading my post last September, Free to Promote... 25 (on Net Neutrality), you could imagine my relief when the FCC approved the policy to protect Net Neutrality.  But this win is bittersweet.

Even though I still think that Net Neutrality is a win for small businesses, I have always had a little voice in the back saying "but it's more government control."  Nothing can ever be black and white and I still support the decision but I must keep a watchful eye.

I found two great articles for more information; One is NPR's reporting on the decision and the other actually opposes Net Neutrality with some very good and valid rational.  NPR - FCC Approves Net Neutrality Rules for 'Open Internet'  and Forbes - Am I The Only Techie Against Net Neutrality?


Rule Free Networking:

Post any of your family friendly sites (blogs, shops, FB, etc.)  What ever sites you would like to share. (multiple sites are OK)  No obligation here.

Please help promote this post using your social networks.  Here is an easy one:


AngieOuellette-Tower said...

Thanks again for hosting! I just shared a link to this linky on my google+ page.
Have a great day!

Krishenkas Treasures said...

Many thanks for hosting the linky

Silke Powers said...

Thanks for asking me to join this networking group! xo Silke