Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday's Treasuries

Well, my computer was down for a little bit.  I seem to never realize how important this tool is until I don't have it.  I am so blessed to have it back.  I am limited on time today so we will dedicate this wonderful Friday to ETSY Treasuries.  I would like to share with you some of the wonderful little shops that are located on ETSY.  Please visit them, even if it is just to window shop.  Many are so pretty they are bound to brighten anyone's day.  I know they do mine.

Winter makes me feel a bit OWLY!

Chartreuse and Cherries

The Frog Prince...


Kim AKA RabbitDogPrints said...

Love your blog.These are beautiful treasuries full of great shops.


Glassnfire said...

Hey thanks for posting us on your Blog. The Frog Pendant. Great Blog! The glass & fire team at

Millie Fern said...

Aw! thanks for posting my wool frog in the treasury. lovely!