I've been married before and, of coursed, lived with my parents when I was growing up; I never thought much about how they would say I was boring for wanting to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade. Not a soul in my network thought it would be fun to watch It's A Wonderful Life for the 50th time but I faithfully watched my old movies every year, even as a kid. I didn't even think much about how people would dismiss my desire to see the Macy's Christmas windows and they were disgusted to even think of going into the city just to see the lights. But I still, to this day, watch old Christmas movies right after Thanksgiving and I still love the parade and I dreamt every year of going to see, first hand, the Macy's windows; that is until a few years ago.
My first holiday with my husband, Terry, started with some challenges; I had just moved across the country and had mixed emotions about the coming Christmas season. I missed my children and it since we just moved couldn't fly back to see them. It was also a huge cultural adjustment. The differences were more than I had expected since we were still in the US and I hadn't moved to a new country for Pete's sake. While I was a little sad in the beginning I soon discovered something truly amazing about us as a couple.
I hadn't shared with Terry my little traditions because over the years you just become so used to friends and family thinking they are strange or hokey you stop mentioning them. As I made plans for Thanksgiving that year he mentioned watching the parade, what!? I almost thought I didn't hear him right. We started talking about how everyone always thought we were silly for watching the parade ever year and how we remained steadfast despite having to watch it by ourselves. For the first time Terry and I watched the Macy's parade with someone willing and excited to join us in our personal traditions.
'Holiday traditions...Here Comes Santa Clause' by postcardsintheattic
The Macy's Parade and Christmas windows are a huge part of my holiday traditions.
Santa Claus And His Elf...
Santa balloon at Macy&#...
Even More MACY's TH...
2.25" Magnets-Macy...
Chicago Holiday Scene C...
Macy's Day Parade- ...
Fine Art Photography - ...
Vintage Marshall Fields...
Fine Art Print Reproduc...
Original 1935 New York ...
Vintage Gold Key Comics...
Santa Animal Parade wit...
Polymer Llamas Waiting ...
Wall Art. Winter Parade...
Spray Gun & Tin Man Col...
Believe- Christmas in N...
My favorite classic Christmas movies
White Christmas Recycle...
Vintage Movie Poster - ...
Magnet- Miracle on 34th...
Miracle Ornament
Chevy Chase National La...
Is Rusty Still in the N...
George Lassos the Moon ...
Scrabble Tile Pendant ...
How the Grinch Stole Ch...
Grinch Steals the Chris...
1958 Rudolph The Red No...
Christmas Classic "...
Vintage A Charlie Brown...
Charlie Brown Christmas...
The A Christmas Story M...
A Christmas Story VHS t...
During that first year I found that we both love It's A Wonderful Life, Miracle On 34th Street, and National Lampoon's Christmas; we watch them every year at least once. Every year we decorate our tree and home the day after Thanksgiving and take it down the day after New Years. And best of all my dream to see the Macy's Christmas Windows did not seem silly to him at all. The very next Christmas he took me to Chicago to see their Macy's windows, until then I thought it was only done in New York City.
My personal traditions have been so important to me that I didn't give them up even if I had to do them by myself and even face a little teasing. My traditions help me get into the Christmas spirit and simply made me feel good. But now these traditions are so much more important to me because they are no longer just my personal ones but they are true family traditions.
Happy Holidays
This years Macy's Windows |
I like this post, yes its true about the traditions we all seems to have things that we do, and sometimes others in the family do them also, then you know they are really passing down the line.
I have never been to NY and have wante to go there and see the Macys parade, thanks for showing us the window!
I am a new follower of your blog, I found you from Jackis blog.
Greetings From Southern California
My wife loves family traditions and has been faithful in passing them on to our 4 children and 9 grandchildren.
Merry Christmas & Happy 2012
*The "W" in Christmas*
How fortunate you are to finally get to see the windows! and lucky, might I add! I'm not one for the parade either, but the windows...how I long to stroll by them - in person!!! I do keep up with the Alistair Sim's version of A Christmas Carol, as well as read it every blessed Christmas!
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story!
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