Sunday, November 10, 2013

Inspirational Sunday Party; Laughter Is The Best Medicine 4

For me Sundays have always been a day to reflect and rejuvenate.  As I reflect through my last week I am reminded of how grateful I am for the blessings God has given me. I am also grateful for the gift of humor and being able to see the funny things in situations. 

So let's rejuvenate and laugh together.

Genesis 21:6  And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.

From I Love Christmas on FB at
From When I Laugh, You Laugh, We Laugh, on FB at
Found at Internet Cats from FB
And just in case you are feeling nostalgic for some good old fashioned Looney Tunes

So now it is your turn. What has tickled your funny bone or inspired you this week?
There is a few rules before you link up (but not many.) Please help promote since that will make this so much more fun!

1. Follow my blog via GFC, Bloglovin, or Network. If you are new please leave a comment so I can follow you back.
2. Grab the button and post it on your blog. Either on your blog or a specific post (if you do not have a blog you are excused from this step.)
Laughter Is The Best Medicine
3. Check out at least 2 other posts, follow if they are new to you, comment, etc.
4. Post something that you found Funny or Inspirational this week, it can be from your blog or it can even be a project or even a piece of art you created for your shop. But do not link your main page or shop home page.
5. Limit 1 Blog posts and 1 Shop post
6. Have fun and get inspired Feel free to post: get the InLinkz code

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