Sunday, November 17, 2013

Inspirational Sunday Party; Laughter Is The Best Medicine 5

I have always loved squirrels.  Maybe it's because I can identify with them just like I can identify with cats.  My personality is a lot like a squirrels; cute and fluffy (seriously I'm fluffy,) naughty and into everything, hyper (hyperactive was one of my first words,) curious and back me into a corner and I turn into a little monster (LOL)

My fascination with squirrels could also be because I am always attracted to things that are a little on the dangerous side.  I so just want to pick them up and hug them but I am not stupid so I don't

I found this wonderful FaceBook page that is dedicated to the furry little mischief makers.  If you love squirrels as much as I do make sure you like  "Squirrels" (you can click and link right to the page.)

Here is a great little preview to put a smile on your face:!/SquirrelsAreCute?hc_location=stream!/SquirrelsAreCute?hc_location=stream!/SquirrelsAreCute?hc_location=stream!/SquirrelsAreCute?hc_location=stream!/SquirrelsAreCute?hc_location=stream!/SquirrelsAreCute?hc_location=stream

And of course I could help but post this cutie!  LOL

From FB at I Love My Cat!/TheILoveCatsSite?hc_location=stream

So let's rejuvenate and laugh together.

Genesis 21:6 And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.

So now it is your turn. What has tickled your funny bone or inspired you this week?
There is a few rules before you link up (but not many.) Please help promote since that will make this so much more fun!

1. Follow my blog via GFC, Bloglovin, or Network. If you are new please leave a comment so I can follow you back.
2. Grab the button and post it on your blog. Either on your blog or a specific post (if you do not have a blog you are excused from this step.)
Laughter Is The Best Medicine
3. Check out at least 2 other posts, follow if they are new to you, comment, etc.
4. Post something that you found Funny or Inspirational this week, it can be from your blog or it can even be a project or even a piece of art you created for your shop. But do not link your main page or shop home page.
5. Limit 1 Blog posts and 1 Shop post
6. Have fun and get inspired

If you would like to repost this to your site here is the code: get the InLinkz code

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