In an article by Niel Patel It talks about tactics in psychology that marketers use to increase sales. One is to get potential buyers to commit prior to actually checking out. One good example is the subscription offers found inside magazines, often they have a check box that is either prechecked or you check that "Yes, you want the special premium offer of 12 magazines for just $9.99" I always thought that this was stupid because if I am sending you a card for the subscription why do you need to have me check the box stating I want to subscribe?? isn't it obvious? But as silly as this seemed I still obediently checked the box (I guess I was concerned I wouldn't get the subscription if I didn't) but now I understand why they use this technique. That little check box is making me commit to buying their magazine.

While this may be challenging to utalize while we are based on Etsy or Artfire I think that with some thought it could be applicable for us as well. Imagine designing a post for your blog or FB page that is a basically the same as the cards seen above. It could work and quite honestly my little brain is working on one for PostcardsInTheAttic or even my Blog. Please Post your link in the link up if you try this I would love to see it and follow your results
Another point Patel made was that wording is important; one example is choosing the word "When" instead of "If" they called it "Future Pace." Apparently rel-estate agents use it to place an image of what it will be like living in the home to draw attention away from the process of buying the house. It can work with the products we sale too. Pay close attention to how you are wording your descriptions and titles. I would stay away from words like "if," "may," etc. because those create doubt in the customer's mind to whether they would like to buy the item at all.
So for Etsy shops we should ensure that the message we are sending is creating an image for the customer of having already purchased our item. Such as using "When you purchase a postcard from PostcardsInTheAttic you will have a piece of history" instead of "If you purchase a postcard from..." or "What does PostcardsInTheAttic ..." By using when I am creating an image of already having the postcard rather then if you purchase it.
Make sure you stop by Patel's post because he has some other great simple tips to share. Next week we will continue on this journey because I think that many of us (including myself) are working very hard but may not be working smarter and it certainly is time that we can reap the rewards for all of our efforts.
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More interesting things to think about when we are writing our descriptions of the items we sell! Thank you for leading us to this information!
Wishing you a great weekend!
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Thank you for coming by to join our party and linking up. I am now following all your social media today!!
Have a great day!!
Thank you Betty, Kate and Karren for joining the linky party.
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