With the Holiday Shopping Season just days away I am going to focus my attention on all the opportunities that I have used and found to be successful. There are so many methods of marketing for free but sometimes just finding them is the hard part. So I would love it if you would post the links to promos, parties, etc that you have found to be successful using the Form. If they are your own promotion then please also add them to the link up. Many of these are repeated every week so please come back to this reference and join in the marketing fun often!
Christie Cottage has several promotions that you will be able to participate in
Holiday gift guides:
Gift Guide $10 and Under http://christiecottage.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_10.html
Gift Guide $11- $25 http://christiecottage.blogspot.com/p/gift-guide-25-or-less.html
Gift Guide $26-$50 http://christiecottage.blogspot.com/p/gift-guide-26-50.html
Gift Guide $51+ http://christiecottage.blogspot.com/p/gift-guide.html
She also has a weekly Give Away post where you she will host your giveaway and promote
Christie Cottage is also the originator of the Twitter Tree. This is one very very useful promo and is hosted 3 times a week at 3 different blogs:
She also has a very active team on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/teams/8029/etsy-promotion-forum
Now onto Julie and Blu's:
Julie has offered a Linkup Party for every major shopping holiday for 3 years already. It is extremely successful and well viewed bringing lots of new traffic to my shop!
And of course Mine:
All Year I have the following pages set up so that you can add your shop's Logo and Name to my Shop Directories free just for following me:
For Shops that sell:
Ephemera: http://butterflyintheattic.blogspot.com/p/shop-directory-ephemera.html
Vintage & Antique http://butterflyintheattic.blogspot.com/p/shop-directory-antique-vintage.html
Handmade http://butterflyintheattic.blogspot.com/p/shop-directory-handmade.html
Digitals http://butterflyintheattic.blogspot.com/p/shop-directory-digital-art.html
Upcycled/Recycled http://butterflyintheattic.blogspot.com/p/shop.html
If you have a shop that has Postcards, ephemera, vintage inspired digitals, handmade cards etc. Here is a great link up party:
On Pinterest I have a board you are welcome to join:
And last but not least my Pacific Postcards Team found in several different platforms:
Etsy Team: https://www.etsy.com/teams/9158/pacific-postcards-team?ref=pr_teams (780)
FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/PacificPostcardsTeam/ (111 members)
Pinterest Board: http://www.pinterest.com/butterflysattic/pacific-postcards-team-board/ (915)
G+ Community: https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/117955483253682227219 (58 members)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/PacificPostcard (379 Followers)
And of course I am always looking for suggestions and new ways for us (small business) to be seen
Here are a few great Christmas themed Teams that Etsians can join for some great promotions
https://www.etsy.com/teams/19370/handmade-holiday (178)
https://www.etsy.com/teams/14183/christmas-gift-promotion-team (1802)
https://www.etsy.com/teams/12528/holiday-addicts (504)
https://www.etsy.com/teams/10439/christmas-corner (705)
Post any of your family friendly sites (blogs, shops, FB, etc.) What ever sites you would like to share. Please help promote this post using your social networks. Here is an easy one:
Hi there!
Thanks for offering me this great blog which can help people to promote their stuff.
I wish you all a nice weekend and a wonderful next week!
Yes, I thank you also for this opportunity.
Thank you for this post, Sharing!
Thank you all for joining,
I just received an email from one of our fellow etsians that gave us another great lead:
Check it out
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