Saturday, January 2, 2016

Pinterest Party; You Pin Us We Pin You!

Pinterest Party

Pinterest can generate a lot of traffic to your site fast, it has become a key in self promotion and showing off your products.  By having others repin and "like" your pins it moves yours towards that top bracket (where we all want to be!)

For this to be successful there will be some rules and instructions. Please note we are using InLinkz for our pins to promote, click, like and repin, makes it sooo much easier :)
Pinterest Party Rules

Easy Tweet: Please post this button to your blog to spread the word :)
grab button for Pinterest Party At ButterflyInTheAttic
<div class="pinterest-party-at-butterflyintheattic-button" style="width: 300px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Pinterest Party At ButterflyInTheAttic" width="300" height="150" /> </a> </div>


Unknown said...

I was unsure how to add the hashtag you asked us to in the description. I have to run out now and will try to change it later.

Unknown said...

Done 1-3. Back later and tomorrow for more.

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Thank you, Colleen, for hosting the Pinterest Party. Donna, I just add the hashtag to the comments section.

SolanaKaiDesigns said...

Happy new year and thank you, Colleen!
Donna, I found the easiest way for me was to create a Butterfly's Pins Pinterest board. Then each week I pin three of my items to that board with the #ButterflysPins tag. Then I just post those pins to this group and pin all of your pins to that board as well. A bonus is that no one has to add hashtags to my items as they are already there.

SolanaKaiDesigns said...

Oops...make that singular...ButterflysPin...not pinS!

ShadowDogDesigns said...

I had thought about doing that, Barbara, but from what I read on how to maximize your pins for google, it's best to repin from a pin that already has a lot of pins or comments. Google takes more notice of those active ones than if you start with a new pin of an item already pinned. Hope that makes sense. That's why I just add the #butterflyspin to a comment.

Caught up through #12. Here's my board:

Unknown said...

Caught up thru #15. Liked on Pinterest, Repinned (I have various boards), and tweeted the pin.

Back tomorrow.

Butterfly In The Attic said...

Thanks Everyone for joining,
I am caught up to #15 I am hoping to get a few more people to join in today.

As far as the hashtag, my original plan was for us to add the #ButterflysPin within the pin description beneath the picture when you first click to pin your item. Below the picture is the item description that is a clip of what you wrote for Etsy and then next to that is a edit pencil. I just added the hashtag to the end of the description.

It just makes it easier for me to look up the pins so I can make sure everyone is repinning. It is not so crucial when it is just us since I know everyone pretty well and know they do repin but it will become more important as the group grows (which I hope it does) with people I don't know and need to make sure they are following the guidelines. I hope this makes sense.

Maybe I need to reword the instructions to make it more clearer. Let me know if you have any suggestions. Sometimes since it is in my head I think it makes sense so I would love your view.

Happy New Year everyone! 2016 is going to be a blessed and most prosperous for us :)

Linda B said...

Happy New Year everyone. Colleen, thanks for hosting.

Here's my Pinterest board

And, I blogged about it too.

I liked, pinned, FB and tweeted each item.

Donna SewAmazin said...

Happy New Year! Joining the party a bit late this week ;-)
All pinned thru #21:

Unknown said...

thru #21. liked, repinned, tweeted.

I will now go back and do #1-22 and give today's love.

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Just finished with Donna.

Butterfly In The Attic said...

Finished everyone.
Hope to see all next week
Again thanks for joining in and
A very Happy New Year!