Friday, September 1, 2017

Pinterest Party; You Pin Us We Pin You

Good morning, I am hoping everyone is having a relaxing weekend.  So Let's Party! that is Pinterest Party!
Pinterest Party
Pinterest can generate a lot of traffic to your site fast, it has become a key in self promotion and showing off your products.  By having others repin and "like" your pins it moves yours towards that top bracket (where we all want to be!)

For this to be successful there will be some rules and instructions. Please note we are using InLinkz for our pins to promote, click, like and repin, makes it sooo much easier :)
Pinterest Party Rules
There have been many questions about where to place the hashtag "#ButterflysPin so I am including a clip to hopefully help show where to place it.
Pinterest party example

Easy Tweet: Please post this button to your blog to spread the word :)
grab button for Pinterest Party At ButterflyInTheAttic
<div class="pinterest-party-at-butterflyintheattic-button" style="width: 300px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <img src="" alt="Pinterest Party At ButterflyInTheAttic" width="300" height="150" /> </a> </div>


CraftingMemories1 said...

Thank you, Colleen!

Here is my board:

Gilded Owl Musings said...

Hi Cathy, this is my first time. I'm having trouble doing this. I forgot the hashtag. Is there a way to delete the pin so I can try again? This is all new to me.

Gilded Owl Musings said...

I don't see the 'like' button on my desktop. I saved, but can't like.

Butterfly In The Attic said...

Good morning,
thanks all for joining.

Gilded Owl (sorry don't know your name) The #ButterflysPin should go with in the Pin Description and is only there for me to track who is pinning others. Right now our group is small enough that I don't really need it. So just try to remember next week (would love to have you join again)

Also Pinterest doesn't have a "like" button anymore. They used to but removed it a few months ago.

Thanks again :)

CraftingMemories1 said...

I'm sorry Chris, I just seen your post. I have done that and put in the wrong post. I have your gorgeous art pinned!

Linda B said...

Pinned all

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Gilded Owl Musings said...

Here's my one board:

Butterfly In The Attic said...

add all up to #15 to my board: