Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Pinterest Party

Let's Pinterest Party!
Pinterest Party
Pinterest can generate a lot of traffic to your site fast, it has become a key in self promotion and showing off your products.  By having others repin and "like" your pins it moves yours towards that top bracket (where we all want to be!)

For this to be successful there will be some rules and instructions. Please note we are using InLinkz for our pins to promote, click, and repin, makes it sooo much easier :)
Pinterest party example

get the InLinkz code
Easy Tweet: Please post this button to your blog to spread the word :)
grab button for Pinterest Party At ButterflyInTheAttic
<div class="pinterest-party-at-butterflyintheattic-button" style="width: 300px; margin: 0 auto;"> <a href="http://www.ButterflyInTheAttic.com" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"> <img src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhNhT6tROKMoVVsvrJwpDB0j8WtC0paCQZDe8-PPgR5sKWrf7s49fEo2CYZ0hzU1XSvs8T6MFSp6N-0wv_MVafZVCtUFqplQx3ymbiIhj4xUyCD5go-NpvSB6-yMapIYxytJzz1WsS5VaWF/s320/Pinterest+Party.png" alt="Pinterest Party At ButterflyInTheAttic" width="300" height="150" /> </a> </div>


Ruth Sandra Sperling of RSS Designs In Fiber said...

Thanks for hosting this, Colleen. I enjoy Pinning all kinds of things! Pinning everything to this Pinterest Board: https://www.pinterest.com/rssdesignsfiber/pinning-party-for-handmade-vintage-original-art/

ShadowDogDesigns said...

Thanks, Colleen. Pinning all here:


CraftingMemories1 said...

Thank you, Colleen. I have pinned everything to mine.

Butterfly In The Attic said...

Thanks all for joining :)
Pinned everyone through #12 to

Will be checking back
Have a blessed day

Linda B said...

Pinned all at https://www.pinterest.com/pin/285274957632330989/

Thanks Colleen.

Butterfly In The Attic said...

Thanks all for joining

Pinned through #15

Linda I had to switch #14's link it was an item instead of the pin so I found the pin on your board and swapped it out :)

Have a blessed night all